Student Learning Outcomes
As North Carolina’s urban research university, UNC Charlotte endeavors to “provide an exemplary academic experience for all students.” Consistent with this academic goal, faculty have developed learning outcomes statements that describe the habits of mind, attitudes, knowledge, and skills that learners should have after successfully completing their program of study. In order to ascertain how well students are attaining these learning outcomes, faculty have developed assessment plans and appropriate measures and use the results to make changes or improvements to teaching and learning.
The Assessment Process

Assessment at UNC Charlotte is a continuous process with a goal of improving teaching and learning. Faculty identify and review their programs’ student learning outcome statements and the results from the previous year. In their respective courses they provide ample learning opportunities and activities to help students practice the skills and build new knowledge. In most cases faculty assess students in select courses such as senior seminar, capstone, or research methods courses. Using a variety of approaches and measures such as embedded questions on exams, papers, projects, case studies, performances, etc., they collect evidence of student learning. Faculty analyze, share, and discuss the results and use those results to inform decisions about the curriculum and teaching and learning.