
Dr. Christine Robinson is the Assistant Provost for Institutional Effectiveness and Analytics at the University of North Carolina at Charlotte where she leads a team that promotes continuous improvement in student learning, educational practices, and support services. Dr. Robinson organizes and facilitates campus and UNC System level assessment and accreditation efforts. As the University’s Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges liaison, she coordinates and compiles University-wide compliance documentation. She co-chairs the Grand Challenges in Assessment Project, a national initiative to create a strategic plan for assessment in higher education.
Dr. Robinson received her Ed.D. in Curriculum and Instructional Leadership from Vanderbilt University. Her research examines the effects of classroom assessment on equity gaps and interventions that support student success. Previously, Dr. Robinson served as the Dean of Business and Information Technology and the Dean of Planning, Assessment and Quality Improvement at Seminole State College, the Associate Dean of Business and Information Systems at Waubonsee Community College, and the Director of Academic Affairs at Indiana Institute of Technology.
Her more than 22 years of administrative experience includes collaborating with and leading faculty and staff in the assessment of educational practices and programs and institutional effectiveness. She has co-authored multiple articles and three book chapters and given more than 30 conference presentations at 12 national, regional, and local conferences.

Dr. Mitchel Cottenoir is the Director of Assessment in the Office of Assessment and Accreditation at the University of North Carolina at Charlotte. He provides leadership and support in the assessment of student learning improvement at the university. Dr. Cottenoir collaborates with college assessment directors, faculty, and staff to utilize institutional and program assessment data to communicate their impact on student learning and improvement.
Prior to joining UNC, he served as the Director of Institutional Effectiveness, SACSCOC Liaison, and the Director of the Center for Teaching and Learning at Wingate University and was an Associate Professor of Chemistry at South Plains College. He holds a B.S. in biology, M.S. in chemistry, and an Ed.D. in higher education administration from Texas Tech University.

Dr. Myra George is the Director of Strategic Planning and Assessment in the Office of Assessment and Accreditation at the University of North Carolina at Charlotte. She provides leadership for university strategic planning and academic program reviews, and she supports faculty and staff in utilizing assessment findings from these efforts for continuous improvement.
Prior to joining UNC Charlotte, Myra was a faculty member in the English Department at Milwaukee Area Technical College, where she also served as Faculty Chair for the 2021-2025 strategic plan and Divisional Assessment Chair. She has served as an accreditation peer reviewer for the Higher Learning Commission, conducting on and off site reviews. As well, she was a co-evaluator for student affairs programs. Myra has a special interest in measurement and assessment related to educational equity and inclusion. In addition to completing Cornell University certification in diversity and equity, she led her college’s equity and inclusion work for three years and was the first coordinator for its Center for Social Justice and Cultural Wealth. Myra holds a B.A.S. degree in English and Communications Media (Bennett College), an M.A. degree in English (The Ohio State University), and a doctorate in Community College Leadership from Ferris State University in Michigan.

Dr. Elise Demeter is the Director of Academic Research and Assessment in the Office of Assessment and Accreditation and an associate member of the Graduate Faculty at UNC Charlotte. She provides leadership in quantitative and qualitative research studies related to student learning, engagement, and success in higher education, as well as expertise in program evaluation. She is also responsible for disseminating data through multiple mediums to increase access to and use of it. In addition, Dr. Demeter collaborates with faculty and staff across the institution to develop student learning outcomes and to design meaningful and sustainable course- and program-level assessment practices, with a particular emphasis on using data to improve student learning. Dr. Demeter teaches graduate and undergraduate students how to talk about their research to broad audiences through workshops and guest lecture series. Current projects include implementing and evaluating interventions for improving ethical authorship practices (Co-I, NSF-sponsored grant with the Graduate School), leading an undergraduate student success intervention to improve students’ understanding of financial aid and academic planning (Funds to Finish(TM) project), and evaluating the success of undergraduates in math courses in the UNC System (UNC System-sponsored, Math Pathways).
Prior to joining UNC Charlotte in 2016, Dr. Demeter served as a Postdoctoral Associate in the Center for Cognitive Neuroscience at Duke University, where she designed and conducted human-subjects research on cognition and motivation using neuroimaging and behavioral methods. She has extensive experience mentoring undergraduates & graduate students in research and enjoys teaching psychology and neuroscience courses. She holds a B.S. in biology (Duke) and a Ph.D. in neuroscience from the University of Michigan.

Dr. J.D. Mosley-Matchett is the Director of University Accreditation and Assessment Systems Management at the University of North Carolina at Charlotte.
Prior to joining Charlotte’s Office of Assessment and Accreditation team in May 2023, J.D. was the Vice President of Academic Affairs and Provost at the University College of the Cayman Islands (UCCI) where her most notable administrative accomplishments were the achievement of institutional accreditation in 2015 from the British-based Accreditation Service for International Schools, Colleges & Universities (ASIC), and discipline-level accreditation for UCCI’s Business Studies Division in 2017 from the International Accreditation Council for Business Education (IACBE).
She was recruited as a faculty member by UCCI in August 2009 with more than a decade of successful teaching experience at both the graduate and undergraduate levels. Her educational credentials include a Ph.D. in Business Administration and an MBA from the University of Texas at Arlington; a Juris Doctor (law degree) from Southern Methodist University in Dallas, Texas; and a Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering Technology from Old Dominion University in Norfolk, Virginia. She is currently studying Business Analytics at Franklin University.

Rochelle Holder provides administrative support to the Assistant Provost for Institutional Effectiveness and Analytics. She started working in our office as a temporary part-time employee in September 2014 and was hired as a permanent part-time employee in June 2015. Rochelle’s previous work experience at the institution was in the University Career Center for over two and a half years.
Rochelle relocated to the Charlotte area from the Washington, DC area. She has prior work experience as a senior meeting and conference planner for NASA Research & Education Support Services and as an administrative secretary in the healthcare field and as a teller supervisor/customer service representative in the banking/finance industry.